Aglow's Mission Statement

To help restore and mobilize women and men around the world.

To promote gender reconciliation in the Body of Christ as God designed.

To amplify awareness of global concerns from a Biblical perspective.
9 Members

About Aglow - Introduction

Aglow International is a transdenominational organization of Christian women and men with more than 4,000 local groups in 171 nations of the world. It is one of the largest international organizations of its kind with over 1,100 local groups in the U.S. alone. Aglow reaches an estimated 200,000 individuals each month through local groups -- the heart of the organization.

Small group studies, care (support) groups, retreats, and annual conferences make up the Aglow year. Two foundational pillars of the organization, prayer, and outreach with the Good News, are supported with tangible responses to need: Gifts of clothing, food, housecleaning, and babysitting. Aglow women and men reach out to their communities in many directions: Prisons, senior homes, inner city neighborhoods, and mental institutions; to single moms, as well as to the next door neighbor next door who may need a cup of tea and a good chat with a friend.

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